Sunday, January 15, 2012

Preschool Letter R - Resolutions, Rhymes, Rainbows, Robots, Rockets & Races

 For my turn this month at Preschool I did the Letter R.

Here they are writing their letter R's.

 After show and tell I read them a New Years Resolution story entitled "The Fairy's New Year Gift." Every year the children get a new blank book and every day they can turn to the next page. If they do good things something beautiful appears on the page, but if they make a bad choice a black mark or a scratch shows up on the page. We talked about that they are writing their books of life with the choices they make. And that their choices are being recorded in Heaven. We talked about New Years Resolutions and how they can choose something they want to do better this year and make it a goal to keep all year.

They told me their resolutions and then they drew a picture of them.

Then we talked about rhymes. I made a worksheet for them to circle the things that rhyme on each line. Then we did lots of action rhymes together. (Itsy Bitsy Spider, I'm a Little Teapot, Head Shoulders Knees and Toes, 3 Little Ducks . . .)
Then I taught them that the colors on the Rainbow are always in the same order. I taught them a little song (That I got off of Mickey Mouse Clubhouse) that teaches the order.

I got out some Fruit Loops (Did you know that they have every color in the rainbow) and marshmallows and some Elmer's glue and they made rainbows. After every color we would sing the song again to try and remember what color was next.

 I thought they turned out really cute!

 Then we made rockets out of toilet paper rolls, aluminum foil, glitter star stickers and some foam.

They all liked pretending to zoom their rockets around the room.

 During my very long drive home from Canada, I cut out tons of shapes out of construction paper. I gave them all a bag of shapes and a glue stick and had them make a robot.

 I thought Aubrey's robot turned out really cute!

While they were making their robots I made them Raspberry Smoothies for a snack.

As we waited for their parents to arrive we played "Rudolph Red nose Reindeer Races." You use Vaseline to stick red dots on their noses to look like Rudolph. Then they run from one end of the room to the next for a race. They're usually pretty crazy by the end anyway, so I thought I'd try to structure the crazy a bit. I think they all enjoyed the races.

What a fun preschool day we had! I was worried about this one since I only had a couple of days to pull it together after we got home from Canada. Luckily I had a very long drive to brain storm ideas and I just had to get it all together when we got home.

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