Monday, January 16, 2012

Odds and Ends

 One day during quiet time Aubrey made this dress and hat for her baby. I thought it was really cute!

The girls playing beauty shop with their new Christmas makeup.

What a little beauty!

Aubrey likes putting on the lotion and perfume that Grandma gave her.

Aubrey wrote her own Christmas Cards to her Primary teachers this year. I thought it was so cute.

 I've never offered to the girls to eat their gingerbread houses after Christmas. I think it's kinda gross eating old candy that's been collecting dust all month long. However a few of Aubrey's friends told her that they got to eat theirs, so Aubrey asked if she and Brooke could eat their houses. So I armed them with butter knives and let them have at it.

The weather has been really nice around here lately and we've had lots of fun times playing outside and at the park. This day was sooo warm the girls even took off their shoes and sweaters!

The girls had a ball acting out "Little Bunny Foo Foo" several times the other afternoon and evening. It was too cute seeing them do it together.

Later that evening we all got into the act. Here is Aubrey and Daddy's goon face.

The next day Brooke wanted to act out Snow White. She said "Where should the forest be. I know Aubrey's room." Then she put some stuffed animals in Aubrey's room. Then she said, "Mommy you're the Queen, Daddy's the Huntsman, I'm Snow White and Aubrey's the Prince. But who can be the dwarfs." I suggested her baby dolls. Later I went into her room and saw a bunch of dolls laid out to be the dwarfs. Then after dinner we acted out the play. Since I was in it I didn't get any pics, but it was so cute how she set the whole thing up!

The next day she wanted to do her Snow White play again and this time I got pics. Aubrey didn't want her room messed up so the forest and the dwarfs cottage were both in Brooke's room this time.

Here's Snow White running through the forest of woodland critters and finding the dwarfs cottage.

The wicked queen giving Snow White a bite of her apple.

Snow White falls to the ground in a deep sleep.
I love to see my girls playing pretend! Too cute!

Here are some other cute things the girls have said over the last month:
While singing bedtime songs Brooke whispered, "Mommy I have to tell you something?" I asked her what it was and she said, "I love my sister."
Just about every prayer Brooke uttered the last couple weeks of December she has thanked Heavenly Father for Mary, Joseph & baby Jesus. (of course Santa & his reindeer have also made it into many of her prayers as well.)
Aubrey and I were singing "Families Can Be Together Forever". After we finished Aubrey said, "I cried tears of Joy while we were singing."
This is what Brooke said to me several times the other day as we were running errands, "I want to be Cindy Lou Who cause I'm not more than 2."
Aubrey reminded us the other day: "You can't see Heavenly Father and Jesus, but they are always there. But, you can hear them with a still small voice."
While I was doing Aubrey's hair for church she asked me about God's power. We talked about Him being all powerful and our potential as His children. Then she said, "I know a power I already have - the power of Love."
I just love those little cutie pies!

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