Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Goodbye Carliles

 My sister Summer and her family moved to Japan last week. Her husband, Steve, got a job opportunity there for a couple years, so off they went. We went out for a goodbye dinner a couple days before they left.

Saying Goodbye to Beckham. I can't believe he'll be Brooke's age when they move back! 



Lots of love for Beckham buddy!

Aubrey havin' some fun with Isla too!

Brookie hugs and kisses for Beckham!

The Buell's and the Carlile's

Aubrey kisses for Beckham.

I hope they have a good experience there. We sure will miss them here. Come back soon Carlile clan!


  1. Aw...it's sad knowing they will be so far away. make sure you keep on her about updating her blog! It will be fun to keep up with her exciting Japan life!

    BTW, Sum-Bum's shirt is awesome! I want one.

  2. We miss you guys too thanks for taking all those pictures! Oh and send me your Skype name when you get a minute so we can Skype!
