Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Purple Baby Continued

 I forgot we had taken these pictures or I would have put them on the last post about Purple Baby.

So the night Jeff showed Brooke her fixed purple baby, the glue was still drying and so she couldn't sleep with her. All the next day Brooke asked, "Is Purple Babies glue dried?" I told her to ask Daddy at bedtime. That she did and he brought her Purple Baby to sleep with.

First she noticed the scar across her head. She was very concerned about that. We explained that she got hurt when the car drove over her and that it left a scar. She rubbed the scar so gently . . .

 . . . And then gave her hurty some kisses.
A few days later she gave the scar some kisses again and then said to me, "She's not all better." I explained that the kisses just make her feel better. Then she asked, "But it will heal?" I had to explain that the scar will be there forever.
Here's Daddy showing her that she still talks and still can suck her pacifier. Thanks for fixing Purple Baby Daddy!

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