Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Makin' Valentines

 Aubrey has loved making valentines since she was 1 years old. I remember that I helped her make some valentines that year and then she continued on throughout the whole year making valentines. She loves making things for people.
 She was very happy to find out that it was that time of year again!

Brooke is taking right after her sister in the crafts department. She had a ball too making her valentines!

Little Ladies hard at work.

I had to throw this picture in from last week. I found Aubrey fast asleep with a book firmly held in her hands. I took it out of her hands and went to the computer (it's directly across from her room.) Her hands were in the exact same position as they had been when the book was in them for about an hour! She was fast asleep and not moving an inch!

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