Friday, February 10, 2012

Preschool Letter L - Love, Ladybugs, Letters

 Since this month is the month of Valentines, I decided to do the Letter L for Preschool.

First we read: "Love is a Handful of Honey"

Then they painted Love frames to give to their mom's. I had fun with these. I bought some clay at the craft store and then used my cookie cutters to make little plaques for the kids to decorate. I found pictures of each of the kids that I glued behind the "heart/O" on the plaque.

Here are my girls finished plaques.

Next we learned about the life cycle of a Ladybug. This is a really cool book I checked out at our library with good information for preschoolers and actual pictures. The kids were all very interested.

 Then they made some Ladybug Love Letters for their Dad's.

 Next the kids made some clothespin lambs. I had Lions all ready for them to make as well, but we were running short on time, so I saved it for later.

Here are my girls completed lambs.

 I loved how Aubrey added a nose!

  Last I gave them some play dough and a sheet of Uppercase Letters. They were to make snakes out of the play dough and form them into letters. Here's this little guys A.

For a snack we had sugar free, whole grain Lemon bars. They turned out pretty tart, so I think next time I would use a little less lemon.

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