Saturday, March 10, 2012

Homemade Mint Medicine for Stomach Troubles

A few months ago I was at our local Health Food Store and looking for the essential oils. I had only been familiar with Oregano oil for colds but nothing else at that point. I had read that Peppermint oil helps with stomach troubles and since we suffer from that in our house I wanted to get some. I found an employee to help me find what I was looking for since I was very new to essential oils. Well he just happened to be an herbalist. He showed me the peppermint oil but told me it would probably be too strong for my girls to drink. He suggested I try making my own medicine from fresh mint leaves. So that's just what I did. (I did also buy the peppermint oil, which has worked wonders for headaches, fevers, abdominal cramps and heartburn!) This medicine has been incredible! One night my husband was having such bad pains that he was convinced he was having a gall bladder attack. I suggested he try the mint medicine. Within minutes of taking it, the pain was completely gone and it didn't come back. My 4 year old was playing a game one day and then suddenly bent over because of such strong stomach pain. I gave her the medicine and once again within minutes she was back to normal and playing the game. My 2 year old was complaining for several hours that her tummy hurt. I thought it was just all over pain since she had a cold. Finally I decided it might actually be a tummy ache so I gave her the medicine. A few minutes later she threw up whatever had been causing the problem and then had no stomach trouble the rest of the day. We've also had times where within minutes of taking the medicine whatever was causing the trouble on the inside exits from the other direction. So, we've found that the medicine either takes the pain away or encourages the problem causing the pain to exit the body! Anyway, since this medicine has been such a huge help in our house, I thought I'd share the 2 ingredient recipe!

Homemade Mint Medicine

Package of fresh Mint leaves (3/4 oz - 21 g)
Bottle of Vegetable Glycerin (4 fl. oz - 118 ml)  * Food Grade*

It is important to make sure the vegetable glycerin says that it is food grade. Put the mint leaves and glycerin in your blender. Blend it all up. Keep it in a covered container on your counter for 48 hours. Pour it into a jar or bottle and store it in the fridge. (I use the bottle that the glycerin comes in.) Take a spoonful (or I fill up a tsp medicine dropper for my girls) at any sign of stomach discomfort.

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