Sunday, March 18, 2012

Random Stuff

 I haven't been taking pictures or blogging much the last few weeks for a couple of reasons. 1. We have had so much sickness in our house :(. Over the last month we've had bronchialitis, double ear infection, flu, acid reflux, shingles, migraines, colds, sleep troubles (due to all the above illnesses) and the last couple of days I've had a terrible sore throat. I thought I would wake up today with a horrible cold or sinus infection but thankfully my throat is much improved. I credit my recovery to the massive amounts of raw garlic and onion I've eaten (Jeff has been loving that) and the On guard & Oregano essential oils I've been taking. Needless to say, taking pictures and blogging has ranked very low on my list. 2. I've started the party prep for the girls upcoming Princess party and that has been taking over my evenings. 

But, I thought I'd go through the last few weeks of pictures and at least account for some of our doings.

Aubrey made a super cute ukulele at preschool and had fun dressing up and putting on a concert for us.

Of course Brooke had to join in the concert too!

Aubrey made cute cut out pictures for each of us. See the dotted lines, that's where we were to cut them out! For me she made these props for the song Twinkle Twinkle Little Star.

My first completed project for the girls Princess Tea Party. I usually don't spend a ton of time on the decorations because Aubrey is more interested in the activities. However, Brooke is really into fancy things and the older Aubrey gets the more she notices pretty things. So I made this centerpiece for one of the tea party tables. I'm planning to make several more and am bummed that it took much longer than I expected! I may make some of my foam spheres into glitter balls instead since my girls love all things sparkly!

The plan for last weeks Family Home Evening was to work on the garden together. Well Brooke's bronchialitis put a damper on that plan. So Aubrey helped her Daddy while I took care of Brooke. Aubrey was such a trooper. She enthusiastically helped daddy with the garden for 3 evenings this last week. And she loved every minute of it! And Daddy loved the time he got to spend with Aubrey and how excited she got about the garden!

One day last week Aunt Esther was nice enough to come and take Aubrey to the park. It was a much needed trip for Aubrey. Brooke is an EXTREMELY cranky sick person. She had been pretty mean to Aubrey all week and I didn't have much time or energy to spend on Aubrey, so I was thrilled to have her get a special play date with Esther & Isla. Thanks Esther!

While they were gone Brooke and I read stories and then played a little. Well Brooke played and I watched, because she would throw a fit if I didn't put something exactly where she wanted it. So I sat there and watched her play unless she asked me to do something for her. She decided she wanted to put all of her little toys down for a nap. Here she is telling me to shush cause her babies are sleeping.

All snuggled up and ready for a nap.

All of her little babies sleeping on the floor. She had some in her bed as well.

There is an upcoming Jr. Primary Activity that I was asked to teach a song from the Friend magazine. I discovered that "Scripture Power" was originally published in the Friend so choose to teach that one. I didn't actually know it but all of the Senior Primary kids absolutely LOVE that song, so I wanted to learn it and teach it to the Juniors. I found a cute idea to have someone dress like a superhero and interview him on how he got his Scripture Powers. (His answers are the lines from the first verse of the song.) I considered finding someone who would be willing to be a superhero for me, but then remembered a past chorister bringing in puppets and how much the kids loved the puppets. So I decided to instead make a Scripture Power Hero puppet and do the interview with Him to teach the song. I hope the kids have fun with it!

I am so much hoping for a healthier week this week!

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