Friday, March 23, 2012

St. Patrick's Day

I've never been that into St. Patrick's Day, I don't really know why. I don't even think I've acknowledged it the last couple of years. It must be because I don't even really know what we are celebrating! Anyway, that week in Preschool Aubrey learned all about Ireland and St. Patrick's day. All she could talk about that day is how beautiful Ireland is and how much she wanted to buy a ticket for Brooke to go to Ireland and see how beautiful it is. She couldn't understand why we couldn't save our money and buy a ticket for Brooke for Christmas! Funny kid. Anyway, I figured I should at least acknowledge it this year since Aubrey was now aware of it!

 Aubrey requested shamrock pancakes for breakfast. My batter was really runny (I tried out a new recipe) and so they didn't turn out very shamrocky. But Aubrey was happy nonetheless!

 Brooke who had been crying uncontrollably just moments before this picture was taken, when seeing the camera said "take a picture of me" and then posed for the camera as if she had never even been sad!

 Then we headed over to a local grocery store because I heard they were having a St. Patrick's day party for the kids. When we got there they were having Irish Dance lessons. Seriously darling!

 I had to include this video because it's just so typical Aubrey. She is such a little mommy and wanted to make sure that Brooke was feeling comfortable.

Enjoying a little treat.

We then played a gold coin game and a rainbow game and then headed out for the scavenger hunt around the store. The girls loved this! They said the leprechauns had hidden a pot of gold and clues around the store the night before. Such fun! (We stopped after the first clue to let all the other kids get ahead of us so the girls wouldn't have to compete with the other bigger kids.)

So random scavenger hunt story: We were looking for a clue in the meat department and couldn't find it anywhere. There was an employee stocking the meat, so I asked him if he had seen the clue anywhere. I told him what the clue before said and he suggested we check in the deli. I thanked him and off we went to the deli. Well lo and behold he goes with us to the deli. When we arrive Aubrey calls out, "I see the clue" and speeds up to get it. This employee, a grown man, speeds up and gets ahead of Aubrey and grabs the clue just moments before Aubrey would have gotten it. She just looks at him baffled. And I'm still a little baffled as to why he thought he should or that we wanted him to actually get the clue for us. Especially since he was quite aware that Aubrey had found it and was headed over to get it herself. Very strange behavior indeed!

We find the pot of gold and the girls get a chocolate treat and a green balloon. Fun times that I didn't have to put any effort into!! Then we headed home for lunch and nap.

That evening our stake had a Stake Family Dance. The girls were super excited about it!

Taking their bow after the first song ended!

Such a happy girl!

Flying like a butterfly.

 Fun with balloons!

  Unfortunately after more people arrived, Brooke who has been super clingy lately, only wanted to dance in my arms. Good work out for me I guess. But I really wanted to see her do her little dances.

And poor Aubrey after the first few songs got a really bad tummy ache (she had some resurgence of acid reflux for a few days last week) and ended up in daddy's arms on the sidelines for most of the time. She would try and dance for a bit but then her tummy would hurt and she'd sit back down. I was sad for her because she had been so excited for the dance and if she didn't hurt she would have just danced the night away.

Anyway, it was a really fun idea and there was a really good turn out. So I hope they do some more family dances when my girls are feeling better. It's just right up their alley!

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