Friday, April 6, 2012

Spring etc.

 We have been enjoying some beautiful weather the last few weeks. (It's funny I write this post today, since we woke up to a blanket of snow this morning!) We've had lots of fun adventures outside. We've had play dates & picnics at the park & lots of backyard fun. For lunch and sometimes dinner we've been sitting in the backyard with a blanket and reading books while we eat. It's been a lot of fun.

Grandma sent these really cool bubbles that you can catch and they don't pop. You'll have to click on the below picture to see the bubbles in Aubrey's hand.

 Brooke is getting pretty good at bubble blowing!

The girls enjoyed the Primary activity.

Even Brooke got to participate because I was teaching a class.  She was thrilled to get to be a big kid! These are the rice krispy caterpillars they made and they loved!
After the activity Aubrey started reminding us daily to read our scriptures because she wanted to have "Scripture Power!" One night I told her it was time and to go get daddy. I heard her run to daddy and ask, "Dad, do you want to have Scripture Power?!" Too cute!

 My little ladies looked so cute after church a couple weeks ago, so I had to snap a few pics. I love these pics of them together. Too sweet!

We had a very nice conference weekend. I made way too much yummy but clean food and completely over indulged. I made clean cinnamon rolls,  turkey bacon, milk shakes, pizza, biscuits, & turkey sausage.

Esther and Isla came and had pizza with us during the Priesthood session. My girls were fighting over who got to sit by Isla, so they ended up like this. Cute little cousins!

 Aubrey put together tons of puzzles during the Sunday afternoon session. This is only about half of them!

 She was thrilled to make her first 100 piece puzzle! (Daddy helped with the outer edges, but she did the rest all by herself.)

 When Brooke woke up she wanted to join in the puzzle making.

Aubrey also made us some play dough cookies. (My girls love to color mix so all of our play dough is a lovely grey now!)

 We got an awesome deal on tulip bulbs from a local garden last year. We were excited to see them bloom this week. The girls have been checking every morning to see if more have bloomed. One morning Aubrey came running to me and exclaimed, "Mom you have to look at the tulips this morning - there are two new one!" I love how they get so excited over the simple things!

Here's some of the fun things my girls have been saying:

I told Brooke this morning that she was only going to be 2 for a few more days. She responded, "And then I'll be 3. And then I'll be BIG FOREVER!"

The last few day Aubrey has been asking me all sorts of questions about Heaven. Last night she asked, "Mom will we live in this house when we are in Heaven?" I told her that I didn't think we would. She responded, "Well I know that Heaven is really beautiful and our house is really beautiful - when it's clean." I got a good chuckle out of that one!

 During conference Aubrey asked, "So is this how is works, Heavenly Father tells the prophets what we need to know, the prophets tell you guys, and you tell us?" It's good to know she's listening during FHE!

At breakfast one morning my girls where discussing which Princesses they would like to be. Then Aubrey said, "Brooke do you know that we really are princesses. We are real princesses because God made us!"

One day Aubrey informed me that when she's a Mom she wants 10 kids so she can have 5 bunk beds in her house. Then she said, "Wait I'll have 6 bunk beds so that I can have a bunk bed too." I wonder what her husband will think of that idea!

Brooke was dressed like a fairy waving her wand around and asked, "Why is there no magic in my wand?" I explained it was because she was just pretending to be a fairy. She replied, "No I'm a real fairy - my magic turned me into a real fairy." Funny kid.

Brookie in her sassiest voice said one day, "Mom you get a time out! I was falling and you didn't catch me! You just let me fall! You get a time out!" I happened to be down the hall in a completely different room at the time you little monkey!

One day Brookie was writing a story. She was scribbling on paper while telling out loud a very animated story about Belle teaching a witch how to be nice. I'm glad to see her imagination developing!

Brooke is very interested in what I did when I was her age and what she'll be doing when she's my age. Constantly she'll ask something like, "Mom will I make lunch for my little ones when I'm your age?" or "Did you have a purple blanket to snuggle with when you were my age?" And on and on like that. It's really cute. (I wish I remembered more about when I was her age or had pictures at home to show her. Mom when you get home from your mission you'll have to bring my photo album over to show Brooke!)

Tonight I was telling Brooke that we were going to a musical at a school and that kids were going to dance and sing on the stage. She replied, "I'm a little kid, do I get to be on the stage?" I explained that tonight we would be part of the audience. She pouted and said, "I don't want to be the audience, I want to be on stage!" She insisted on wearing a tutu, I think hoping she would get her chance to be on the stage. While we waited for it to begin she once again reminded me, "I don't want to be the audience, I want to dance on stage!" Then during the very lengthy announcements she started singing a made up song. I tried to shush her several times. Finally I told her, "If you must sing, then sing quietly." She responded, "But if I sing quietly then no one will hear me." Oh what a little ham she is!

Aubrey watched the musical intently the entire time. She loved every minute of it. On the way out she said, "Maybe when I'm in Kindergarten I can be in a short show." Then when we got home she was making up dances for her musical. What a little cutey pants she is. I hope they do some kind of show at her school next year!

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