Monday, April 9, 2012

Happy Birthday Brooke

I can't believe my Brooke is 3 today. This year sure has flown by. Brooke has absolutely loved being 2, but is very excited to be turning 3! She told me that now she will be "big forever!"

Brooke has changed so much this year. She went from a baby to a little lady in the blink of an eye. Brooke is our little princess. She likes all things pretty and fancy. She only likes to wear dresses or skirts. I can never get her into pants and t-shirts like a normal kid. She wants to grow up so fast and talks about when she's going to be a mommy all of the time. She loves her big sister and copies everything she does. She loves to dance and sing and makes up her own dances and songs. She has a very expressive face. You can always tell how she is feeling by the look on her face. She still has her sweet tiny little voice that she uses often. There is no shortage of conversation at our house! She asks lots of questions and is trying to get this world all figured out.

This year she got to take a swim class, tumbling class, dance class, art class & preschool whenever it's at our house. She loves getting to have her own special activities. We sure do love our little B!

Here's a look back at Brooke's year 2!

1 comment:

  1. Happy birthday Brooke! I told mom to call you and wish brooke a happy birthday for me!
