Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Easter Family Home Evening

 Our Family Home Evening went so well the Monday before Easter. We did the symbols in Easter Eggs lesson that has been going around for years. Basically you put objects in Easter Eggs that depict events from the end of Christ's life, crucifixion & resurrection. You number the eggs and then as they are opened and the symbols revealed you tell that part of the Easter Story.

There are several different versions of this, but this is what I did:

1) Piece of a cracker - The Last Supper
2) 30 cents - Amount of silver Judas was paid to betray Jesus
3) Band aide - Atonement in the Garden of Gethsemane
4) Toy Soldier (I didn't have one so I made a sword out of toothpicks) - Arrest of Jesus at the Garden
5) Feather - When the Cock crows Peter denies Christ three times
6) Stick - Crown of thorns and mocking Christ
7) Dice - Soldiers cast lots for Christ's clothes
8) Cross (I made mine out of toothpicks or skewers) - Christ allowed them to crucify Him
9) Black cloth - Shadow of darkness covered the earth when Jesus died
10) White cloth - Christ's body was wrapped in a clean white cloth
11) Rock - The tomb was covered by a stone to keep the enemies away
12) Empty - The tomb was empty - Christ was resurrected

I also used our picture scriptures to show pictures to them as I recounted the events.

I believe most of these events are also depicted in the Gospel Art Picture Kit.

 When I showed the girls the basket and eggs, Aubrey was so excited because she remembered us doing this last year. She said, "I love this lesson!" And told Brooke all about it.

The girls were so reverent and the spirit was so strong. As we talked to them about the suffering in the Garden of Gethsemane, the mocking of Christ & the Crucifixion, both girls looked like they were close to tears.  I could tell they were really taking in what happened to Christ and starting to learn the magnitude of his sacrifice for us. I hope their testimonies will just keep on growing every day!

After our lesson we colored Easter Eggs for our activity. They were super thrilled about this! Aubrey was a pro this year and needed no help at all. She loved using the little egg lowering device.

Brooke needed a little help, but loved telling us what colors to put her eggs in.

 Then they used Q-tips to add more colors to their eggs.


 We got a tattoo kit that they were supposed to rub the images on to the eggs. But they didn't work so well. We rubbed and rubbed and it just either cracked the egg or rubbed off the dye. (They work really well on paper though, so Aubrey has been having fun with them.)

 I had some stickers they could put on their eggs instead.

Aubrey kissing the "Aubrey Egg" I made her.

Brooke with her "Brooke Egg"

 Here they are with their completed Easter Eggs!

Making funny faces - funny girls!

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