Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Preschool Letter E - Easter

 I got to do the Easter themed preschool this year.

I found this little rhyme to use during show and tell:

E, E, What do you see?
What do you see that starts with E?
I see an elf, that's what I see.
Hip, hip, hurray for E!

After each child showed their object, we said the rhyme. The kids really liked it.

Then I showed a movie of the last week of Christ's life. I downloaded the video clips from

I had downloaded and a made a couple of these moving pics of Christ and the tomb. It comes with a little story as well. I told the story while moving the pic. Then the kids took turns telling the story and moving the pic.

Then I taught them this little rhyme:
Jesus is Risen
(Fingerplay) by Dana Eaton
Here is the place where Jesus lay; (point)
See, the stone has been rolled away! (roll hands)
Stoop down; look in (stoop sown and shade eyes with hand)
He is not here! (stand up with hands out questioning)
Jesus is risen!  Be of good cheer!  (clap hands)

Then we made these little books. I downloaded the images here and here.
 Here they are making their books.

I had also cut out some foam eggs for them to use markers and stickers to decorate.

Then they glued on the bunny and chicks and stuffed grass and eggs into their baskets.

For the snack I made Whole Wheat English Muffins and topped them with spreadable fruit.

It was a fun preschool day!

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