Friday, April 13, 2012

Easter Scavenger Hunt

A local grocery store has a fun little Easter party and scavenger hunt that we go to every year.

First was face painting.

Then they got their bunny ears.

Brooke opted out of the face painting and bunny ears, but definitely wanted to decorate a cookie.

Yummy (but not quite as yummy as the girls eating the cookies!)

Then they looked for animal pictures around the store and had to make the sound for an employee to get a Easter egg.

They even had great big Easter baskets at each station.

At the end they got to get an egg from a huge basket (made from a kiddie pool.)

Brookie had a paper in hers that said she won a prize. She got a candy necklace. (Like we needed anymore candy!)

As we were getting ready to go Brooke asked where the people were who were painting bunny faces. So I took her back over to have her face painted.

I love this pic. She was not thrilled about having the paint brush come at her!

My cute little Easter bunny!

Both Aubrey and Esther reminded us that the girls met Isla for the first time right after the Easter party last year. (They remembered having the bunny faces.)

But this year Isla was big enough to come with us!

Aubrey had made up an Easter song she was singing around the store. She decided to sing it for Isla as she got buckled into her car seat. (Isla does not like getting into her car seat!)

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