Saturday, April 14, 2012

Easter Saturday

 We had a busy, but fun Saturday before Easter. We started bright and early at choir practice. Then off to a Family Art class. We went straight from the art class to an Easter Egg Hunt at the football stadium. The girls were sooooo excited about this. We got there a little early and they could hardly wait.

 Look at all the candy covering the field!

 Still waiting . . .

 They finally let us onto the field - yipee!

And off they go to hunt for eggs. Aubrey had one thing on her mind - chocolate - and she got a ton of it.

Brooke was more selective, so ended up with less candy. (Which is fine by me!) Look Daddy even headed over from his office to join us for the fun.

And I was there too.

We thought we were going to have to head over to the baseball game to meet the Easter Bunny - but thankfully he was at the stadium! The girls were so excited to see the Easter Bunny. All morning Brooke kept asking when we would get to see the Easter Bunny.

Sooooo cute!

It was my first attempt at a huge community hunt and I thought it was great! I'm wishing I would have done it sooner! As you can see the girls still have on their bunny faces. When I went to wash Aubrey's off from the day before, the girls asked if they could keep their bunny faces. Brooke's had been washed off the night before and Aubrey's was a mess, so I just re-did the bunny faces. I think they make super cute bunnies!

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