Wednesday, April 18, 2012


The Easter bunny made a stop at our house Saturday night.

The girls were super excited about it even though we woke them up bright and early, so Daddy could be a part of it before he left for his church meetings. I thought they would wake up grumpy, but they were all smiles and bubbling with excitement!

The basket wasn't completely candy free. Jeff always got a chocolate bunny when he was a kid so the Easter bunny has to bring one every year. And every time Aubrey saw peeps at the store she said, "I hope the Easter bunny will bring us peeps." She was excited that she got her peeps!

After they rummaged through their baskets, the first item of business was to try on their new lip gloss.

Then they had to make their Shrinky Dink bracelets while I prepared breakfast.

The girls watching in amazement as their Shrinky Dinks shrunk!

Aubrey excitedly showing off her bracelet.

While I was getting ready for church the girls got into the glow masks and wands - they were supposed to wait until nighttime. So they had fun with them in the bathroom!

How cute are they?!

All dressed up in their Easter finest.

Aubrey loves to pose.

Brooke was not the least bit cooperative for the pictures. (She was upset that her purse kept falling off of her shoulder.) It's a bummer too because I had gotten the dress out a few weeks earlier and she was so looking forward to wearing it with the matching baby dress and purse.

Such a typical Brookie face!

Aubrey was acting funny behind me to make her smile.

I love these sweet little girls.

Sister love!

Later that afternoon Esther, Bryan & Isla came over for Easter dinner and a little egg hunt. Lining up for the hunt to begin.

It's so much fun to hunt for eggs!

Isla just checking it all out.

My girls wanted nothing to do with the real eggs. Good thing Isla was there, because that's all she wanted.

After she would find one she would immediately put it into her mouth!

We hid a ton of eggs. Aubrey ran out of room in her bucket!

This girl is so full of life and exuberance!

Then Bryan started playing a game of Bunny Zombie.

Here they are running from the Bunny Zombie.

Me with all the cute little ladies.

The girls insisted on sitting on either side of Isla again.

Brooke figured since she was turning 3 in a few hours, she was certainly big enough to feed her baby cousin!

We had a real nice Easter!

1 comment:

  1. Oh it's a bummer we missed the Easter egg hunt! Beckham misses his cousins.
