Friday, April 20, 2012

Brooke's Birthday

We had a real fun time celebrating Brooke's birthday as a family. She was such a happy and excited little girl all day!

Brooke requested pancakes, bacon & milk shakes for breakfast.

 She had decided many months prior that she wanted to go to the Family Fun Center for her birthday. The girls first item of business was to do the Frog Hopper all by themselves!

 Two cute little girls!

It's always fun to fly in the airplanes!

Brooke has always struggled in these indoor playgrounds. She can never quite navigate them without getting stuck somewhere. It was such a fun birthday surprise that she was able to do it without any trouble! She came out of the slide so excited saying, "I'm big enough to do it all by myself now!"

Then Brooke wanted to try flying the airplane all by herself.

 My cutie little birthday girl on the carousel.

Daddy took some time off of work and met us there.

My and my birthday bug!

  Race car driving!

The girls looking cute as they waited for their lunch.

They got to splurge and have very "unclean" corn dogs and french fries for lunch.

 Then it was time for cupcakes. Brooke must have seen a pic. of a cupcake with a cherry on top and requested that I put a cherry on top of her birthday cupcake.

"Happy Birthday to you . . ."

 Blowing out the candles. I love how you can see the smoke covering her face.

Eating her cherry!

Then it was present time! She loved everything she got!

  Aubrey had picked out a few small presents for Brooke, wrapped them mostly by herself and then made a card she taped one one present and drew and cut out flowers she decorated the other presents with. She was so excited for Brooke to see her presents!

 After presents we played some glow in the dark golf.

Then we played some arcade games. The girls love this spider stomper game.

Last we played a little bowling. The girls loved it.

Daddy got a strike!

Then they picked out their prizes.

When we got home for naps Brooke insisted that she have her new princess pillow case and doll bed that Aubrey gave her for her nap.

 "Now I'm ready to nap", she says.

We went out to eat for dinner. We rarely do so the girls get really excited when we do. Here Brooke is after she and Aubrey downed the free birthday ice cream sundae that Brooke got. (I only had my phone so the pic. is terrible.)

She wanted another cupcake and birthday song and candle before bed.

Then we played a little game.

Brooke's last birthday request was to have a slumber party with sisor (that's how she pronounces sister.)

It was fun to get to spend the day as a family and make Brooke's birthday dreams come true! Happy 3 year old Birthday Brookie Bug!


  1. That is one fun filled day! How fun for Brooke. Hard to believe she's 3.
