Friday, April 27, 2012

Brooke's First Dance Performance

The girls had a dance performance at the mall last week. It was Brooke's first dance performance and boy was she excited! Brooke's class is called "Blossoms" and so they had them dressed as flowers. Sooooo cute!

  Aren't they just adorable?! There is one more girl in her class, but I guess she wasn't up to performing. I love that it's a small class.

Brooke & Aubrey's classes were at the end of the show and the waiting was hard for Brooke. After every dance she would ask, "Is it my turn yet?" It's finally her turn! Here she is walking on stage.

They start off asleep (like little seeds).

Then they wake up and stretch their petals.

Jump Brooke Jump!

For some reason after her dance was over and everyone was complimenting her she just started crying. I'm not sure if she was disappointed that it was over or if she was feeling shy from all the attention or if all the excitement had just overwhelmed her. But she sure did look cute even with mascara running down her face. I was glad that the next morning she excitedly told me that she had gotten to dance the night before. So I know that she enjoyed it. I hope for the end of term concert she can feel better after it's over.

Here's her little dance. It cracks me up how concerned she is that she is standing right on her circle. Such a cute little blossom she is!

Aubrey of course was thrilled to be in another dance show. She just loves to perform!

What a beautiful little ballerina she is!

I was happy with Aubrey's improvement in dancing with the tempo and not hurrying through all of her memorized moves. I thought she did really well keeping on time with her teacher. (Yes that is Brooke crying all through her dance :( )

I sure do love watching my little ladies dance!

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