Thursday, April 26, 2012

Swim Class

 The girls started swim class last week and they couldn't have been more excited! They've been asking all Fall and Winter when we would be able to go swimming again, so when I told them it was swim class day that's all they could talk about!

 Although I loved the survival swim class they took last year, it just couldn't fit into our budget this year. Since Brooke is now old enough for the city classes we just went that route this year.

Yay - class is about to begin!

My two cute little fish just jumped right in and weren't at all nervous! Usually after it's been awhile they are a little timid in the water. Not this year. They both had no trouble going all the way under the water and trying to do everything their teachers asked!

By the end of the second class, Aubrey was jumping under the water and swimming a little. I'd be surprised if she isn't swimming across the pool by the end. Here's hoping at least!

Brooke's class takes it slower, so I'm hoping she'll remember her back floating and pick up front floating by the end.

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