Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Ice Skating

 For Family Home Evening a couple of weeks ago we took the girls ice skating. The girls had recently watched a Barbie movie in which Barbie ice skates. They were dying to try out ice skating themselves. I love to take my girls to try new things. However, I was a little worried this time because I don't know how to skate. But, I couldn't let my girls down, so I told them that Daddy was going to teach us all how to skate! Thankfully they have these little walker things for little kids to push around the ice and that saved the day for me. I just held on to one of those with the girls and was able to make it around the ice with them!

Here the girls are all ready  and super excited to take the ice!

Aubrey going around the first time. Both girls were such troupers. They weren't scared at all. They got right on the ice and even though they fell several times they just got up and kept trying!

Here's Brookie going around with Daddy!

Me and my cute little skaters!

By the end Aubrey was able to skate with just holding on to one of Daddy's hands. Me and Brookie took it slow with the walker most of the time. She did go around once with Daddy holding on to his hands though. While we were leaving Aubrey said, "Can we go ice skating again tomorrow?!" I think Daddy will have to take her on a Daddy Daughter date to the ice rink sometime soon!

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