Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Teach Me to Walk in the Light

 On Sunday April 15th, my girls and I got to sing the musical number at church with our friends Rachel and Zoe. The three girls sang the first verse together (it was darling and I immediately started crying :( ), Rachel and I sang the second verse (really I just cried through it - so embarrassing.) & we all sang the third verse. All the girls did such an amazing job singing their parts. After we were finished and sat back down, Brooke said, "Do we get to go up and sing 'Teach me to Walk' again Mommy?"

 The cute little singers.

 The girls were so excited to sing at church, especially Brooke because it was her first time. She has had to watch from the pews during Primary & choir numbers. And lately she has not at all been happy about that. She was so excited to, "Get to sing on the big stage at church!" It was such a big deal to her that the Friday night before she had a nightmare about not getting to sing. She woke up crying hard and saying, "I want to sing too. I don't want to sit down here with Daddy. . ." She was saying that over and over again while balling. I finally woke her up and Jeff and I had to explain for several minutes that it was just a bad dream and that she really was going to get to go up and sing this time.

Aubrey of course is always happy to have the spotlight!

Lately Brooke likes to be shy for the camera. Silly girl.

And Aubrey likes to make funny faces.

Aubrey was so proud of these wristbands she made in primary that she wanted a picture of them too!

I'm so glad to be able to give my girls opportunities to perform and do potentially scary things. I'm hoping it will help them avoid stage fright in the future. (I've always had a pretty bad case of performance anxiety and I'm hoping to not pass that on to my girls! Their daddy does too, so they have it coming from both directions!) They both love to perform so I hope to give them enough experience with it that it will stay fun for them!

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