Friday, May 18, 2012

3 & 5 Year Pics

I got my photos that I won from Celtic Dreams Photography!! They turned out just beautiful! Thanks Lyndee!! I had a hard time choosing my favs, so there are a lot of them on this post!!

Grandma's, let me know which ones you want prints of and what sizes.

Aubrey's 5 year photos:

Brooke's 3 year Photos:

Sweet Sisters:


Me & My Girls: (I decided last minute to dress up and get some pics with them. I'm glad I did.)

 Lyndee convinced me that I needed a pic of myself to show off my 56 pound weight loss.

 Candid shots:

I get a free 11x14 as part of the prize, and now I have to choose which one. That's gonna be tough! Any suggestions?

Thanks again Lyndee!


  1. Wow Heather you look so skinny! I can't wait to see you soon. The pictures turned out great.

  2. The picture of you walking up the bridge holding Brooke looks SO MUCH like Esther!

    And the blue eyes on your girls are amazing!
