Tuesday, May 15, 2012

My Blue Eyed Girls!

 I won a free photo shoot from my cousin-in-laws facebook page. I've seen a few of the photos and they are amazing. I'm so excited to see the rest! When we got home and the girls went out to play in the back, I couldn't help but take some pics of my own. After all they looked so darling in their blue dresses that made their eyes look fiercely blue!

 Playin' footsie!

Brooke was not at all cooperative in mine or Lyndee's photo shoot. Little stinker. This was what she was mainly doing for mine. Thus I didn't get as many pics of her.

 I did get a couple of cute ones though.

 My sweet Aubrey was being very cooperative. Don't her eyes look awesome!

I can't get enough of pictures of my little blue eyed girls!

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