Monday, May 14, 2012

Birthday Present Fun

 The girls have had so much fun with all of their awesome new birthday presents they received at their party.

Here's some of the fun they've been having.

 Enjoying their bubble fans while wearing their fancy new shades! The fans make huge bubbles. A friend brought them each a purse filled with the shades, chap stick & chocolate coins (such a cute idea). Another friend gave them each a couple of Fancy Nancy books, which they also love. For several days Brooke would put on the shades, apply her chap stick, carry her purse and say, "I'm fancy like Fancy Nancy."

A twist on a tea party. Instead of sipping their drinks they are pouring bubble solution from their teapot into their platters and then blowing bubbles from the teacups and spoons. Seriously darling!

Loving the moon sand.

They turned their moon sand playing into a restaurant. They came and got me and asked if I would be their customer. They led me to a spot and told me to wait to be seated. Then they gave me a seat and asked for my order. They used a box as an oven to cook my pizza. They brought me my pizza and came over several times and asked if I wanted anything else. They told me to pretend it was my birthday and they brought me cupcakes and ice cream and sang me "Happy Birthday". They even brought me a bag for my left overs. It was way too cute!

See the darling apron Brooke is wearing. A friend made one for each of them out of men's handkerchiefs. So darling!

Cutting the pizza.

One of Brooke's favorites is this magnetic castle. She even got to color some of her own clothes.

There were so many other awesome gifts that the girls have just loved but I didn't get a picture of. Thanks again to all of the party guests who gave them such fun presents!!

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