Friday, May 11, 2012

Aubrey's Birthday

Aubrey was very excited for her special day to arrive. Exactly 3 weeks separate Brooke & Aubrey's birthday and that must seem like a long time to a little kid. Brooke was very sweet to Aubrey all day and Aubrey was very touched by it. After Brooke had told Aubrey "Happy Birthday" several times in the morning, Aubrey got all teary eyed and said, "Brooke is being so nice to me today. She's never this nice to me. I'm so happy I feel like crying." (So sweet and kinda sad at the same time.)

For her birthday breakfast she also requested pancakes, bacon & chocolate shakes.

She decided months ago that she wanted to go to Chuck E. Cheese on her birthday.

She went to Chuck E. Cheese for the first time on her first birthday and absolutely loved it. It has been one of her most favorite places ever since. Here is a very short but darling video of Aubrey so excited at Chuck E. Cheese on her first birthday.

Enjoying the games.

Yay - Daddy arrived!

I love that they have tons of rides and games for little ones.

Very excited on her birthday!

Brooke spent much of her time climbing around in the play area. She's still so thrilled that she can finally do these by herself.

Aubrey knows that tickets mean prizes, so she was very excited whenever she got a lot of tickets!

Pizza & show time. The girls just LOVE the show!

Cupcake time.

Dancing the afternoon away!

Strike a pose!

 My little dancers!

  Hugs for my favorite 5 year old!

 Present time.

 Aubrey was very gracious and let Brooke help open the presents she gave her.

Thank you kisses . . .

. . .and hugs

Two little cuties peeking out the windows!

Daddy and his Aubrey.

Time for prizes!

Then we headed home for nap time.

That evening we went to Applebees for dinner. Aubrey LOVES to go out to eat. She loves getting to choose her own dinner from a menu!

Look what the birthday girl got for dessert!

Sharing her Sundae with sister.

When we got home we had time for a game.

The girls were very much looking forward to another slumber party ever since Brooke's birthday.

We love to celebrate birthdays at our house! I'm glad you had a fun day my Aubrey Kaye!

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