Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Entry Way Display

 When Aubrey was 6 months old I had some really cute pics taken of her and used them to make an entry way display. They have remained there for the last 4 and a half years. When I got our pics back from Celtic Dreams Photography and was deciding which pics to print, I realized this would be the perfect opportunity to update the display. The only problem was that it wouldn't be right for Daddy not to be in it. So that Sunday I dressed the girls in the blue outfits and had Jeff run home between meetings for a couple of minutes to hopefully get at least one cute enough picture for the display. I was thrilled when I got a couple of pictures that I loved of Jeff and the girls!

 Now I was ready to update the Entryway Display. Here's the finished product. I love having the new pictures in it and smile almost every time I pass it!

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