Monday, May 28, 2012

Brooke's Soccer Clinic

A couple Saturday's ago they city was having a free soccer clinic. The 3 - 5 year old session happened to be at the exact same time and at the same park as Aubrey's tball game. I was disappointed because I knew Aubrey would love it too. I was hoping that the tball and soccer would be on the same field at the park so it would be easy to watch Brooke and Aubrey simultaneously. However they ended up being on different fields quite a distance from each other. Bummer. So I didn't catch much of Aubrey's tball game. I did see her at bat once and could see a little of her playing first from a distance. 

Anyway, Brooke was so excited to get her chance at the field. And she looked sooooooo Darling in Aubrey's soccer uniform!

Here she is running out to join the boys not feeling timid at all!

They were learning how to dribble to ball with small kicks . . .

and then stop it with their foot. (while playing green light, red light.)

Doesn't she just look delicious!

Oops Brookie, no hands.

Then they played a little crab game. They were opening and closing their legs and walking like little crabs to stop the ball from getting past their line.

Brookie loved it!

After the games we played at the park for a bit. Aubrey even finally braved the monkey bars. But you can see on her face how scared she was!

Brookie tried it too!

Fun times on the field! My brothers and I played lots of sports and so it feels so normal to spend Saturdays out on the field! 

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