Sunday, May 27, 2012

Preschool - Bugs

Aubrey requested that this months Preschool lesson  at our house would be about bugs. Since it was the last preschool class I would do for her, I decided to go ahead and do it for her.

 Since we weren't focusing on a particular letter, for writing practice I had them practice writing the names of the bugs we were going to learn that day. We also practiced spelling the word "bug" out loud.

For show and tell I had them all tell us something interesting about their favorite bug and/or show us a picture.

 Then we read, "Born to be a Butterfly"

 Then they made a Lift the Flap Butterfly Life Cycle

 It was pretty simple to prepare and they all seemed to enjoy it.

 Then they made a Butterfly collage. We used the Bow tie pasta for butterflies and construction paper to tear to make trees or branches.

First they colored their butterflies with markers. (As I was going through these pics, I thought watercolor on the pasta might make for some pretty butterflies.)

Then they tore and glued on their trees.

Last they used craft glue to add their butterflies.

Next we used empty tp rolls and washable paint to stamp out a caterpillar. Here's Aubrey gluing on her google eyes for a finishing touch.

Then I read to them about Spiders.

 And they made their own spiders out of egg crate, pipe cleaners & googly eyes. Here they are painting their spiders.

I had tons of supplies left over from projects throughout the year. I happened to have tons of play-dough that had been mixed together into a boring grey color. I figured that was a very buggy color. So I gave them the grey play-dough and all the other extra supplies and had them make their own bug. They had a blast playing with all of the supplies.

For snack time I had them make their own bugs out of fruits and veggies. I put out this plate so they would get the idea.

Then I put out sliced produce and let them create and eat their own bugs.

They had a lot of fun with this. This would be a great idea to convince a picky eater to eat fruits and veggies!

 I happened to have a Bee bean bag toss from my girls Pooh Bear Party, that they enjoyed playing as well. I completely forgot about my worm paintings I was going to have them do. I had pretend worms (cooked spaghetti noodles) for them to dip into paints and create some abstract art. Bummer I forgot. I'll have to use the idea next year for Brooke's preschool!

I am pretty sure this lesson took the least amount of prep work and ended up being a lot of fun for the kids. Win Win! We now just have the preschool graduation this week and then Aubrey is all done with Preschool. It's bitter sweet for me. At least I have Brooke's preschool to look forward to for next year!

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