Sunday, May 27, 2012

A Very Sweet Mother's Day

 Jeff and the girls made me feel special all day on Mother's Day!

I woke up to Aubrey whispering to Jeff, "Daddy is it time to get up and make Mom's breakfast yet?" She was so excited to start the Mother's Day festivities!

I got to rest while Jeff & the girls made me a very yummy breakfast!

 Aubrey wanted to take pics of all of the events, but couldn't find her camera, so I gave her my old one and she was snapping away all day. Here's a pic. she took of Jeff and I.

As soon as I was served my breakfast Brooke said, "I want to eat my breakfast on a tray in my bed too." I told her we only had one tray. She replied, "I have a good idea!" She ran off and found the stool, jumped into bed and called out, "Daddy I'm ready for my breakfast!" Too cute. (Aubrey took this pic. too.)

How could Daddy resist. So he gave her a few bites of breakfast to eat in bed!

Aubrey wanted to join in on the fun too!

After we got ready for church, it was present time! Aubrey had made tons of stuff in preschool and some cards at home, that she was very excited for me to open!

Me and my sweet Aubrey Kaye!

Then Brooke helped me open the presents she and Aubrey picked out for me. We have this tradition that on any occasion that the girls need presents for Jeff or I we take them to the dollar store and have them pick out a few things. They love it!

Me and my cutie Brookie!

Then they led me outside to see the surprise they had been working on the night before - An Herb Garden!

I'm very excited because many of my Clean recipes call for fresh herbs, and they are not cheap!

At church the youth took over all of the Primary responsibilities so I got to go to Sunday School and RS. At RS the Bishopric gave us all Forget Me Not flowers and muffins and fruit.

After church I got to relax some more while Jeff prepared dinner. Here's Aubrey taking a picture of the dinner Jeff is preparing. Funny kid!

Here's my very yummy dinner!

I was very touched by how kind my family treated me on my special day. I'm sure it was the best mother's day ever. My girls were so excited all day! I'm pretty sure they were just excited about my special day as they were their birthdays just the month before. And Jeff was so sweet to go to all that work all day for me! 

As I was kissing Aubrey goodnight that night, I thanked her for making me feel special all day. She replied, "You're welcome Mom. I always feel special when you do things for me, so today I did all the things for you." That's pretty much the exact words every mother wants to hear. It was the perfect ending to the perfect Mother's day!

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