Saturday, May 26, 2012

Havin' Fun this Spring

We had a couple of really warm days a couple of weeks ago, so we got out the water toys. The girls were thrilled!

 What's more fun than a sprinkler? Two Sprinklers! I set them up on opposite sides of the lawn and they ran back and forth, back and forth.

Almost the whole time Brooke was running in the sprinklers she was saying, "This is fun!" Too cute!

Then they thought it would be a great idea to wash off all of their outdoor toys.

Then Aubrey thought it would be fun to set the sprinkler by the swing set so she could swing into the water.

This video was taken a few months ago, but I had forgotten about it. Aubrey had been begging me to teach her how to play "Twinkle Twinkle" on the piano. I seemed to never be able to get around to it. So finally I labeled the keys on the piano with their letter names and wrote out the letter notes to the song and let her have at it. She loved it and picked it up right away.

 Here she is singing as she plays. She now has the song memorized. She's been asking me to take a video of it, but we keep forgetting.

One afternoon the girls wanted to work on riding their bikes. Aubrey on her big girl bike, 

 and Brooke on her tricycle.

 After practicing for a while, Brooke finally got going on the tricycle. We aren't beating any speed records, but she's so happy to get going a little!

 Here's Aubrey going up hill on her "new to her" bike.

Aunt Esther's pool opened at her apartment, so we had to go for a swim! These girls were so excited about it!

 This little one is such a fish! I took off her swim vest for a while and she kept trying to wriggle out of my arms and swim. She has no fear!

Here's Aubrey jumping into the deep end. Which Brooke had no trouble doing either, but somehow I didn't get a pic. of it.

And doing tricks. She was sliding into the water on her back.

 Isla decided to take an extra long nap that day and finally came out right when we had just gotten out of the water. So I let the girls jump back in for a few minutes.

They sure do love baby Isla!

 Aubrey's glow in the dark lantern that she got from Grammy Buell.

 Both girls LOVE this magnet castle from Lilia, and play with it pretty much every day. Aubrey got a write your own book kit from Lilia and started working on it. She told me her story while I wrote it down on scratch paper and it is darling. She's started illustrating it and then I'm going to have her write the words in her own hand writing next.(It's about a Princess named Analeigha who has a birthday party.)

The girls loved looking through Jeff's welding mask at the solar eclipse. This is the best shot we got, I think it's through the mask.

I sure do have fun playing with my girls. I really just want to freeze time and keep them this age forever!

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