Sunday, June 10, 2012

Aubrey's Preschool Graduation

We had a little Preschool Graduation on Tuesday, May 29th.

Here's all the cute Graduates.

Here they are doing their short program.

These are the things they usually do at the beginning of each Preschool class - ABC's, Days of the Week & Counting.

Then we had a little show and tell. They were to bring some of their favorite things they did this year and tell us about them.


 Then they got their diplomas.

Then we viewed the slide show of the year that I made, while we ate some snacks.

The two cute girlies!

Here's my cute little Preschool Graduate.

I love the diplomas that Tara made - so cute!

And the caps that Shirlene made were darling too.

Aubrey wanted a picture of her wearing the cap, holding the diploma, with her medal showing. Funny kid!

It was a nice little graduation that even all the Dad's were able to attend. I'm so glad that I was able to be a part of our Preschool Co-op. Both Aubrey and I had a lot of fun with it these last 2 years!

1 comment:

  1. I love how coordinated Jacob and Ashby were. BFFs :)
