Saturday, June 16, 2012

Brooke & Aubrey's Dance Concert

On May 30th the girls had their end of term Dance Recital. They were both very much looking forward to it. My little hams love to be on stage. However during the rehearsal that morning Brooke was having some stage fright (or was just being uncooperative - it's hard to know at this age), so I was worried about if she would get on the stage and dance for the show.

Here are my little dancers right before the show!

Brookie's first show on the big stage!

Aubrey was super excited to be in another big show!

Both girls were very excited when Daddy came with flowers in hand for both of them.

Aubrey's buddy was sitting right in front of us. They were not in the same class this time so they actually got to see each other dance, which was nice.

I dropped Brooke off backstage for her first number and went back to my seat pretty much holding my breath. I didn't relax until I counted 5 little shadowed bodies walking onto the stage. I knew Brooke made it on and would dance! (Brooke would have been very disappointed that night or the next day if she chickened out didn't dance on the stage.)

Look at my little flower dance!

Aubrey's first dance was a ballet number.

I held my breath again on Brooke's second dance until I counted five little shadows walk onto the stage. Hurray she made it on again!

She loved the bow part so much that she did it even when she was supposed to be blowing kisses!

Goodbye cute little dancers!

I loved Aubrey's Jazz number to "Under the Sea." It's got lots of movement. All the girls took a minute to remember going to the back and leaping during the number. It's too bad because they did it perfectly during the rehearsal. But other than that it was adorable!

Aubrey taking her bow in the finale.

Brooke did not go on with her class for the finale. As I was getting up to run backstage and fetch my certain to be crying Brooke, I saw a Mom push her onto the stage. She walked up crying until a teacher had mercy on her and picked her up. I found out from the Mom that Brooke didn't want to go onstage, but then got even more upset when her class left her backstage alone, so she figured she might as well run on crying and all! At least she looked stinkin' cute crying!

Here she is doing the bow during the rehearsal. (The only thing she actually cooperated on in the rehearsal.)

It was a real fun show! I love watching my little ladies dancing and having fun!

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