Monday, June 18, 2012

Canada Part 1

We had a very nice trip to Canada to visit the Buell Family.

The girls did fantastic the entire 22 ish hour drive taken over 2 days.

We arrived in Canada just in time for our nephew Scott's grad night. Grad night is the Canada version of Graduation and Prom. They combine the two events into one Grad night.

Since the school is so small they each got a very nice spotlight as they entered the arena.

The next day was filled with lots of playing with cousins, Aunt & Uncles and Grandparents.

And of course crafts with Grammy.

"Grandpa you're silly - you have hair in your ear." Brooke just says it like it is - funny girl.

The next day after church there was a little family reunion. Jeff's Uncle Keith and Aunt Alice were also in town from Vancouver Island so we had a big family dinner.

Aubrey and Brooke were giving everyone ponies to play with and even cousin Mitchel played along.
 He even gave the pony a makeover with some snazzy braids.

Some of the big cousins entertained the little ones,

while the grown ups chatted.

The girls enjoying an Icee on the deck.

Aubrey and Grammy stealing each other's noses.

Love's for Grammy.

Night Night Grammy.

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