Friday, June 22, 2012

Canada Part 2

We had a wiener roast at G & G Buell's house for FHE Monday evening while in Canada. The day before Grandma was telling me the plan with Aubrey in earshot. She mentioned she was going to look for a volunteer to teach a lesson after dinner. It sure didn't take long for her to find a volunteer. Aubrey is all about teaching FHE lessons! When Brooke found out about it, she wanted to teach one too.

Hanging with cousin Amy before dinner.

Brooke very much enjoying her hot dog.

Grammy loves.

Aubrey teaching her lesson about Nephi building a boat with the Lord's help.

Brooke teaching her lesson about being kind.

And then doing a song and dance.


Enjoying some Ice Cream cones for dessert.

I love this pic of Brooke! She looks good enough to eat!

Throwing sticks into the fire pit.

Grandpa lounging.

Then we helped Grandma put up her Hummingbird Topsy Turvy.

Taking a stroll around the yard with Grampy.

Grandpa was taking a while to get his boots off so Aubrey ran over and whipped them right off. Grandpa thought it was pretty funny.

Grampy loves.

The girls think it's mandatory that they ring every single bell of Grammy's every time we walk into her house. And there are a lot of bells!

The girls love Grandma's music boxes, so she let them each pick their favorite to take home. Grandma had them each pick a number to see who would go first. Aubrey picked the number 1 and said, "Well I'll let Brooke go first because I think we are both going to want the same one and I want her to get it." She is such a sweet big sister! She lucked out and Brooke picked a different one and Aubrey got her favorite one!

Having fun with Daddy's hat.

This is Brooke's photography debut. (I wasn't ready to completely let go of my camera!)

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