Friday, June 29, 2012

Canada Part 3

The girls always love to visit Grandpa's farm when we go to Canada. Of course the day we went was extremely windy. We had planned to help Grandpa plant his garden, but the weather did not cooperate.

 My girls absolutely love picking dandelions.

Jeff and his Dad.

 Look I'm a deer!

 Learning how to make grass whistles.

Look at all my dandelions!

This girl is soooo full of life!

The cutest thing that has ever graced that old beat up truck!

Brooke wouldn't even go inside since it looked too old and rusty!

Trying to get a glimpse of the cow that was hiding from the wind in a ditch.

Grandpa snuggles.

We love Grandpa's farm!

Then we headed over to Uncle Darin's house where he showed the girls his kitties. They were in love with those cute little kittens!

A whole box full of cuteness!

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