Monday, July 30, 2012

Sleeping Beauty Play

 My girls were super excited when I told them we got tickets to see the play Sleeping Beauty. Aubrey's first question was, do we get to dress up like a princess? She even happened to have a Sleeping Beauty dress. Brooke had gone back and forth on what princess she wanted to be, but that morning decided on being Flora the pink fairy in Sleeping Beauty.

 Anxiously awaiting for the play to begin.

They seriously loved every second of it. Their eyes never left the stage. It was the stillest Brooke has ever been in her life! (she's a wiggle worm!) I'm so glad I was able to get a great deal on tickets and take them to the theater (one of my most favorite past times!).

The actors were outside for us to meet them afterwards. Brooke was excited to meet the Pink Fairy, but then got a little shy once we got up close. (But doesn't Aubrey look adorable in this pic?!)

Then we had to get a pic. with Aurora herself!

The girls even braved getting up close to Maleficent!

It was such a fun thing to get to do with my girls!

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Pioneer Day

For Pioneer Day we went to the celebration our city puts on at local park.

Driving the firetruck.

The petting zoo. I couldn't believe this chicken would just sit here and let the children pet it.

 Pony Rides.
Wagon Ride
Making Pioneer bonnets

Faces painted like Indian Warriors.

 Making paper bag kites.

 Obstacle course.

 Dancing with the big bear.
Finding a needle in a haystack.
 Roping some cattle.

Duck hunting.

Slingshot Saloon.

Making Indian Headdresses.

Brooke started getting a little droopy and warm and hung out on Daddy's lap for some of the fun.
Panning for Gold.
 Making butter.
 I had been looking forward to visiting the pioneer village and seeing my friend and her family that reenact the pioneers. Unfortunately we had to get our sick little Brooke home.

 After some medicine and a nap Brooke was feeling a little better. We had saved a few little fireworks to do that night.

 Sparklers are always fun.

 They love the poppers.

The best part of the fireworks is my girls dancing around pretending to be a firework!

 We had a nice day, we just wish Brooke had been feeling better. We are very grateful for the sacrifices of our Pioneer ancestors.

Saturday, July 28, 2012


 One of my most favorite people and friend since Junior High School has moved nearby. We decided to get together and take our kids bowling.

 My kids have never gone, but really enjoyed it. In fact they begged me to stay and play another game after Shandrea and her kids left.

Brookie with the little bowling helper. She only used this the first couple times and then insisted on throwing it like the rest of us. The ball would take forever to make it to the pins!

  Aubrey would stick her hands in the ball and walk up to the line. Then she would take them out and throw it like this. Cute kid.

Shandrea and her cute kids!

Brooke would not cooperate for a pic. Try # 1
  Try # 2

All the cute kiddos.

It was a lot of fun to hang out with Shandrea and her fun kids!