Thursday, July 5, 2012

Family Art Festival

 A few weekends ago a local Art Museum had a free Family Art Festival that we attended. It was based on their current exhibit of Ancient Middle Eastern Art.

First we got to play some instruments, listen to music and watch Middle Eastern dancing.

 Then we went and listened to a storyteller. Aubrey got to participate in one of the stories.

After the story telling, Aubrey saw they were doing a new dance and she wanted to join in. So we went back to the music part. Aubrey loved these scarf dances.

Brooke participated for a minute.

Then we went and made some tiles.

Here's Aubrey's up on the display they were putting together with all of the tiles.

Brookie loved making her tile.

She worked on it for so long that Aubrey made a second one while she waited.

Then we went and made some postcards.

Last we went and got our hands painted with Henna.

The girls got butterflies and flowers.

I got this flower. They lasted for about a week.
It was a fun festival, I'm glad we got to go and learn about the culture and art in the Middle East.

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