Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Our Own Mini Waterpark

 As soon as the weather started to warm up, Aubrey wanted to make our own waterpark in the backyard. Unfortunately both our pool and slip and slide did not make it past the season last year. Right before we left for Canada, Kmart a bunch of water stuff on sale for half price, so I picked up a new pool and slip and slide.

A few days after we came home, we had some friends over. (while their Mom spent some quality time with her new baby at home.) I figured it was the perfect time to set up our little mini water park.

We had sprinklers in one corner, slip and slide in another and the little pool. They first did the sprinklers, but I didn't get any pics because my memory card wasn't working.

Then it was onto the slip and slide and I finally got my card working!


 Zoe finally made it all the way to the splash pool!

This little guy thought the little car was much more fun then the water sports!

Once he exited the car he found a puddle in the grass. Everyone soon joined him!

It's so much fun to jump in puddles!

Taking a break to make some mud pies.

Then onto the swimming pool.

Gotta eat some popsicles in the pool.

Then it was picnic time!

They all especially loved eating the peas from the garden!
 A few more dips in the pool before it was time to take our friends home.

What a fun way to spend the day. Thanks Aubrey for the fun idea!

1 comment:

  1. Beckham can't wait to try out your mini water park, he loves water!
