Sunday, July 15, 2012

Our Little Life

Aubrey had her last t ball game a week ago. During her games and practices all season she seemed very into it and always tried her best. Right before her game I asked if she liked t ball and if she wanted to play again next year? She responded, "No I didn't really like it very much." I was surprised. But happy to see that she would try her best even when she wasn't loving it.

 My cutie on first base.

Gathering after the game to get certificates and medals.

I thought Aubrey looked so grown up last Sunday during church. I tried to take a pic to document it, but she just wanted to be goofy. It took away from the maturity I was aiming for - but she still looks pretty darn adorable!

We've had some rainy weather that has taken us from some of our favorite summer time activities. One rainy day I finally bit the bullet and took my girls in for immunizations they were lacking. Aubrey needed one more for Kindergarten and Brooke's behind schedule because I only allow them to get 1 or 2 shots at a time. Brooke was a tough little cookie and barely flinched when she got her shot. Aubrey however hid behind my back and I had to pull her onto my lap kicking and screaming. Then I had to completely constrain her while the nurse gave her the shot. (This is even after she witnessed Brooke take her shot like a big girl.) After the shot and all that drama she said, "That only hurt a little." What a monkey. Here's the girls eating their ice cream I promised to get them after their shots.

I got to go on a girls night with my sis. Esther to see the play "All Shook Up" at an outdoor theater. It was nice to go and do one of my favorite things with one of my favorite people!

On another rainy afternoon a couple days ago I pulled out the foot-spa and we had a mother daughter mani pedi night. The girls had a blast. Brooke gave Jeff a play by play of every single step of the process later that night.

Here's our completed Glitter fingers and toes. The girls had fun showing them off all weekend.

In all of my adult years, I have never gone yard saleing. (Mainly because it requires getting up and getting ready early on Saturday mornings!) Anyway there was a neighborhood one this last Saturday, so I decided to support it and go. We got some good finds and the girls had fun too!

Brooke loves her Princess scooter we got at one sale.

We had to take both scooters out for a ride with their Disney pals.

We also got an Easy Bake Oven - total blast from the past! The girls have loved baking their own treats this weekend!

Decorating their cakes.

About to partake of their yummy cakes!

The last couple of Saturday nights I've put Aubrey's hair in socks instead of rollers. I absolutely love how it turns out. I've done it in the past but filled her head with tons of socks. This last couple of times I've just used 5 socks and it has turned out perfectly.

I should have taken the after shot before church, but ran out of time. Basically she ends up with softer thicker curls. I love that it takes much less time then the rollers and is still so cute.

I wasn't sure Brooke's hair was long or thick enough for the socks, so I tied hers up in little buns instead. The first week I did 3 buns, and liked how it turned out, except the hair on the sides of her face fell out while she slept and so they didn't have the crimped look.

This Saturday I did 5 buns instead so I could get them tighter on the sides of her face.The hair certainly stayed in much better. (These pics are actually from Sunday morning.)

However the crimp was a little tighter then I wanted. But it was fun having a wild new look for her today. I've also been contemplating growing her bangs out (that's why they've been longer then normal lately.) I thought she looked cute without the bangs today, but Daddy did not like it much. So I think we'll keep the bangs a while longer. Plus I super duper love her hair with pony tails and bangs.

So that's what's been happening here in our little world!

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