Monday, July 16, 2012

Splash Pad & Fun Center

 Esther told us about a local splash pad that was right outside a fun center. I had heard about the fun center, but assumed it was expensive. Turns out they have a couple of $1 activities for little kids. So we met Esther there for some fun!

Three little cuties having fun in the sun!

Whatever big sister does, I must do too!

Cute little Isla!

Sittin' on the water. I totally remember doing stuff like that when I was a kid.

Kissin' Cousins. I know I've mentioned it a lot, but Aubrey seriously can not get enough of her baby cousin!

Flyin' high with Aunt Esther.

Aubrey's turn!

Havin' a little snack in the shade. What cute little girlies they are!

Isla had to go home for a nap, but we went in to check out the fun center. They had a toddler play area that the girls had fun in.

Then we met up with some friends for the Live animal show.

They got to pet a HedgeHog,

and a Bearded Dragon,

and then a Sugar Glider.

Aubrey flinching because the Sugar Glider looked like it was going to jump on her.

Then off to the Carousel. I love to see Zoe and Aubrey just chatting away. I can't believe how big they are getting!

Brooke on the Gorilla.

Then we went back to the play area with our friends. All the kids wanted to play with these great big blocks. After we had to remind them all a few times that they were for sharing, they finally worked out a way for themselves to all have fun together. They made a big train (which later turned into a boat) for them all to ride in together. I'm glad they could all work it out and play nice together!
It was a very fun day!

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