Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Aubrey's First Day of Kindergarten

 On August 29th, Aubrey began her first day of Kindergarten. She could not have been more excited about it. I knew she would love it and wasn't worried about her adjusting - but I was very sad to give up our flexibility and my freedom to take and do things with my girls according to my schedule. I was sad to give that up and now have the school schedule to follow. (I will even be more sad next year when she is in school all day :(.)

I told Aubrey she could pick what she wanted for breakfast. She choose chocolate chip pancakes and chocolate milkshakes (banana smoothies).

 Brookie liked Aubrey's choice!

The next thing Aubrey asked for was to have her nails done in a very predetermined pattern. She wanted pink and silver to match her first day of school outfit.

Brookie couldn't be left out of a manicure!

Then she got all ready and we went out to take some pics.


 She was really excited about this butterfly clip I crocheted for her the night before to match her outfit.

We had to take the traditional first day of school front porch picture!

She was trying to show off her new princess backpack.

This face shows how unbelievably excited she was. I should have counted the number of times she asked me if it was time to go to Kindergarten yet!

There's her much loved backpack.

And then we were off.

 We got to the school a little early, so we took a few more pics.!

Anxiously waiting to go into the school!

Now she's right outside her classroom door and oh so excited!

The doors open and she can finally go in. The look on her face doesn't show how excited she was. I think she was slightly annoyed that I made her stop for yet another picture!

She had an absolute blast that day and every day after. So far mommy is adjusting too! Her teacher is so sweet also. So we have had a very positive experience with our first month of public school.

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