Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Random Summer Photos

 We had so much fun at outdoor story time and craft time at one of the local libraries. This is a pic. from the last one of the Summer.

 My Dad's birthday is in July. My Sis-in-law, Karen, saw at a friends house that the kids all took pictures holding a letter of their last name. Well we happen to have 6 kids in our family and my Dad has a last name with 6 letters. So Karen had us each take a pic. with one of the letters of his last name with us in age order. I thought it was such a cute idea. I got to help with some of the photo editing and compiling the poster for him. Thanks for the great idea Karen - I think it turned out so cute!!

 Aubrey was invited to her friend Hope's birthday party. It was a ranch theme. Aubrey came home dressed as a cowgirl. Too cute!

  The day of our bake sale my girls were totally wired. The day after however I found them both crashed on the couch. (This almost never happens at our house.) I think the excitement and sitting out in the sun finally caught up with them!

During the summer, Jeff often goes out and works on the lawn and garden after dinner. The girls love to go out and play or help him. It's the perfect time to play outdoors since it has cooled off a little.

The girls were such little monkey's this year and have to climb and . . . 

 . . . hang on everything!

The girls found a grasshopper one night and made a home for it in the mailbox of their play house. They filled it with grass and hoped it would never leave, but make it's home there. It stayed in their for several hours, but when we went and checked on it in the morning, it was gone.

I took this pic. because I thought Brooke's hair looked really pretty that day and because I wanted to document her playing with her Snap 'n Style dolls. She has played with them nearly every day for months.

One night Dad and the girls were experimenting with how strong a grasshopper is. Here he is holding a block.

The girls went and grabbed lots of things for the grasshopper to hold. Here he is holding a magnet.

When Summer was here, we had a girls night and saw an outdoor showing of Fiddler on the Roof. Turns out it's Summer's favorite musical. Fun times.

We had lots of fun in the sun this summer. I'm still in denial that it's actually over. Can't wait until next Summer! Well we can have Halloween, Thanksgiving & Christmas first and then fast forward to the girls birthdays in the Spring!

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