Friday, September 14, 2012

Beckham's Olympics Birthday Party

 Since Beckham had a birthday right before they came for a visit and because my girls absolutely love throwing birthday parties, we decided to have a party for Beckham while he was visiting.

While we set up the kiddos played in the pool.



Esther came up with the Olympics theme and planned all the games. I did the food and my girls did the decorations. I thought it would be fun to use M&M's to create Olympic rings on his cupcakes. My girls had a different idea. In fact Aubrey, several days before, made colored drawings of her cupcake designs and then used them to decorate her cupcakes!

The girls insisted on sitting by Beckham for dinner.

Enjoying some pizza and fruit.

 4 cutie little cousins!

Isla and Esther eating in style.

After dinner, we went outside for opening ceremonies.

Holding their torches and breaking through the banner for opening ceremonies.

The birthday boy making his debut!

His team was Japan and he wore his flag on his back!

The first event was water balloon darts.

The little ones sure enjoyed popping the water balloons on the ground.

Isla disappointed that the bucket was empty.

Then we had piggy back races.

Then we had basketball.

This was Beckham's favorite event.

Then boat races. (Beckham was still busy shooting hoops!)

This is the kids finishing their running race.

On this one they had to get as many toys out of the pool as fast as they could. Brooke decided it would be much faster if she got in!

Aubrey quickly followed suit!

Then it was popping bubbles.

Then they were awarded their gold medals.

Next was present time. Brooke happily showed Beckham how to play with the toy she and Aubrey picked out for him.

Beckham was happy to let Aubrey open his next present for him.

Cupcakes came next.

Here's Beckham blowing out his candle.

Mmmmm - yummy!

Ice Cream cones too!

Hmmm - I wonder why I'm not getting any ice cream?

Oh that's better!

Isla decided we should end the night with a little table dancing.

After a super fun party the girls snuggled up together for bed.

We're glad we got to celebrate the big #1 with Beckham!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks so much for throwing his party it was so much fun. You have some super cute pictures of Beckham that I will steal from you too.
