Monday, September 10, 2012

Library Time with Beckham

 Summer and Beckham met up with us for Storytime at the library when they were here.

Here's Beckham hamming it up for the camera!

 An artist in the making.

Afterwards they got to go on the stage and play with the puppets.

 Aubrey coming to get Beckham involved.

Brookie playing puppets with Beckham.

 Beckham showing off his brand new walking skills. He always has to have his hand straight up in the air!

 Posing with Aunt Summer.

Brooke finally decided to join in for the picture.

 A couple more pics of Aubrey playing with Beckham at our house.

Fun times - we're glad the Carlile's could come for a visit!

1 comment:

  1. Oh those pictures are so cute I will have to steal them from you. We miss you guys already!
