Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Clean Eating Bake Sale

 Sometime in the Spring I read a Pinkalicious book with my girls that was all about a Pink Lemonade stand. So of course my girls very much wanted to have one themselves. Sitting in the sun for a couple of hours with probably very few customers, did not seem very appealing to me. I hoped they would forget about it. Well, all Summer they saw cute neighborhood kids with stands of all varieties. One was selling cookies and my girls thought that was a brilliant idea. So all Summer they asked when they could have their stand and sell cookies & pink lemonade. I was still hesitant to agree, but remembered that I've had a lot of people curious about the clean food that I eat. So I thought it might be nice to let people have a taste of it, while allowing my girls to have their little stand. So, I finally agreed to a Bake Stand.

My little ladies were so unbelievably excited! The night before they had fun playing "Bake Sale" and practicing what they would say to their customers. Aubrey prayed a couple times that day that people would come to our bake sale and that the food would taste good. What a cutie she is!

 Because I knew I wouldn't be able to video tape them in action at the Bake Sale, I videoed their pretend version. They are playing both the part of the customer (who are their dolls) and themselves - the vendors.

 When we went to set up that afternoon Aubrey and Brooke were just so excited. They ran, jumped and danced around the grassy area singing, "We're having a bake sale, we're having a bake sale." They made sure to sing it for anyone who walked by.

We had our first customer 15 min. before we were supposed to be open and before everything was set up. Then a couple minutes to opening time we actually had a line. This, I was not expecting! (We have the best, most supportive neighborhood!)

The girls were so excited to have customers! They loved getting out the plates and asking what they wanted and filling up their plates with goodies. 


Aubrey did not tire out the entire time. She loved every second of it and could not get enough of it! Brooke did very good too, but needed to take a few snack breaks - luckily we had plenty of snacks for her!!

Right before school let out we had a break in the customers, so I was able to take a couple of pictures of the stand. (Something I planned on doing at the beginning when it was all stocked with food, but didn't get a chance too. But that's ok, I'd prefer the customers to the photos!!)

Me and my cute little ladies. These girls get me to do all sorts of things I never thought I would!
After we took the photos, school let out and Aubrey ran and grabbed the sign to wave it in front of the cars driving by. She's such a doll. We had a steady amount of school kid visitors until closing time. And then we even had a few late comers as we were packing up the van!

 Here's the only pic I got of the baked goods we sold. 

  Isla decided to have an extra long nap and so they didn't quite make it to the sale. So we set up the stand in the entry way so they could make a sale to Esther and Isla. (I love Brooke's head peeking out in the bottom right corner!!)

Mmmm yummy cupcake!

Then I let those hot and tired little ladies take a dip in the pool!

All and all it turned out to be a very positive experience. I calculated that we sold 234 baked goods. The girls had decided that their goal was to make enough money to sign up for Ice Skating classes and that they wanted some change for their piggy banks as well. We exceeded their goal and they were very excited about that! I am grateful for such awesome friends and neighbors who came to support me and my little cuties in their much anticipated Bake Stand!

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