Thursday, September 20, 2012


 A couple days after the bake sale, I had a fun little lesson on money with my girls. First we went to the bank and cashed their bake sale checks. We went inside and I explained to them a little about banks and how they work. 

Then when we returned home we divided their money between tithing, ice skating tuition, piggy bank & savings account. The cool thing is that neither one of them has asked if they could buy a toy with their money. They are happy with all of the above uses of their money!

That night they happily put their change in their piggy banks.

They were excited to give their tithing to the Bishop that Sunday. Aubrey has asked several times since then if she has earned any more money that she can pay tithing on. We may have to have another little fundraiser - I'm thinking maybe I could crochet some hair clips and have my girls deliver the orders - any interest in that?

Then the next week they got to take their Ice Skating tuition to the Skating rink and sign up for their classes. It was really fun that they could go through the whole process of working for their money, getting paid and learning what to do with it. I love hands on learning and am glad that my girls talked me into the Bake Stand!

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