Thursday, October 11, 2012

First Ice Skating Class

 The girls got to start their Ice Skating class this month. They were so excited. They both excitedly got on the ice with their teachers.

 The teacher then made the mistake of talking to Brooke and so she got really shy. What a monkey she is. I had to get on the ice and participate with her for a few minutes. Then she started participating just fine.

Here she is throwing toys and then retrieving them.

 I didn't get to watch Aubrey much or get many pictures because I had to stay off to the side near Brooke. Finally at the end she let me go and I got a pic. of Aubrey. They were practicing skating on one leg, however I didn't capture that in the picture.

I talked with the teachers at the end and they were impressed with how well both Aubrey & Brooke skate and this was their first class. Go girls!

I loved how their was 2 teachers for their age group and only 3 kids. That's pretty much private lessons at a group lesson price!!

Of course we couldn't leave until we watched the Zamboni clean the ice!

Fun times! I'm excited for their next class and hope that Brooke is not shy this time! (However she told me that she might be a little shy right at the beginning. Funny kid!)

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