Thursday, October 11, 2012

Preschool - Letter S

The theme was the letter S for preschool at our house this month.

First we sang "Shake our Sillies"

 Then I read them this book called "Spoon". It's a fun book that teaches to just be yourself and not wish to be like everybody else.
 Then we painted Sea Shells. I happened to have some shell molds from another project (they are very inexpensive candy molds) and some left over plaster of paris. So a few weeks ago, the girls helped me make some shells for preschool. They were really quick and easy to make and the kids loved painting them.

Then we went to the garage to do an S Obstacle Course. I made this up a couple of years ago and the kids always love it, so I do it every year. All the actions the kids do on the obstacle course start with the letter S.

Slither through the tunnel

Skip down the line

 Slide down the slide

Stack the blocks

Step up and then Step down.

Sit, Stand, Sit, Stand at the basket

Shake the shakers

 Stomp on the plastic wrap

Then we came in for a Shape Scavenger Hunt. The kids took turns picking a shape card. Then they looked around the room for objects that were in that shape.

Then they practiced making some shapes with play dough.

I made some whole wheat biscuit dough and they each got to make a couple shape biscuits for a snack.

While the biscuits were cooking and cooling they glued their dried sea shells on a paper to make the letter S.

 Then I armed them with knives and bowls of peanut butter and jelly and they turned their biscuits into Shape Sandwiches.

Mmmm Yummy snack! While they ate they also played I Spy.

I thought we would have a lot more time at the end for free play, but they spent a lot more time on the painting, play dough and obstacle course then I intended. But, I'm glad they had a good time with our activities. Now I need to start thinking about next month!

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