Monday, February 18, 2013

First Snow of the Season

We had fantastic Fall weather this year and didn't get our first snowfall until the second week in November (unfortunately it's gone downhill from there!)
The girls were so excited about the snow. For the first time ever, they actually played in it for a few hours. Usually they get cold after a short time - about the same amount of time it took to bundle them up! 
Brookie had lots of fun making snow angels!
Aubrey wanted to make tracks in the snow.
What a cutie all bundled up!
I'm glad we got one excited snow day. Since then it's just been groans from all of us with this terribly cold, snowy & bad air quality winter we've had. I don't even feel good about bundling them up to send them outside because of the air quality. We are very much looking forward to the Spring in our house!! We're glad the groundhog said we'll have an early Spring!

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