Sunday, February 17, 2013

Ice Skating Certificates

My girls really enjoyed their first ice skating class. Especially Aubrey - she's really taken to Ice Skating. On their last day of class they got their certificates and Aubrey was able to pass off all 3 snowplow classes in just one session! 
Brooke passed off her 1st Snowplow class and was excited to get a patch and certificate.

They are now in their second set of Ice Skating classes. Brooke is taking Snowplow 2 and has really taken off. Now during the free skate portion she goes around and around the rink without any problem.
Aubrey got to jump ahead to Basic Level 1 a little early. They are supposed to wait until they are 6, but the teacher let her try it the first week and said she had great technique and so she'd let her stay in the Basic class.
I have lots of fun watching my little ice skaters. I think seeing those little ladies skate around the ice is so cute - especially since up until recently I was afraid to ice skate myself!

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